The National Rodeo Association, was founded in 1966 and originally known as South East Queensland Rodeo Riders Association. Their first goal was to create fair prize money and judging. Rodeo has prospered since those days, being the sport that has millions of spectators each year.
In the earlier days cowboys from neighbouring properties used to get together for bragging rights and a little pocket change and these rodeos were usually only seen by the cowboys themselves.
Nowadays though, a Rodeo Cowboy is no longer a station-hand but instead a professional athlete. In fact some are from major towns and cities. Originally organized to cater for the needs of the cowboy who was unable to travel full time due to family or work commitments. This regional circuit enables competitors to work full time jobs during the week and compete at rodeos on weekends.
The National Rodeo Association hosts some 90 rodeos each year with over 600 contestant cowboys and cowgirls.
The National Rodeo Association (known also as the NRA) is the fastest growing Rodeo Association in Australia. The structure of the board is of a professional standard and is made up of five executive board directors, a full time secretary and a full board of nine event administrators. The NRA has also adopted the "Animal Welfare Advisory Council Code Of Practice" for all of their rodeos.
The decision to change the association's name in 1988 was to enable us to grow and run rodeos further afield. So the name National Rodeo Association was chosen. We have travelled to rodeos from Malanda in North Queensland to Coffs Harbour in New South Wales.
Committees affiliating with the National Rodeo Association are assured of top contestants and the best stock. This combination adds up to the unparalleled excitement of professional rodeo.
Rodeo is an important piece of Australian History.