NRA Accredited Officials

All officials and contractors for affiliated rodeo events must be appointed from the list of NRA-accredited officials provided below. 

Further information for committees can be found in the NRA Affiliation Package or in the Rule Book (see page 6).
Officials interested in becoming NRA-accredited can refer to the accreditation guidelines in the Rule Book (see page 61).



Larry Cann Yarraman 0428 221 579
Angus Rigney Talwood 0427 259 655
Jason Hall Athol 0428 280 097
Terry Murray Goonellabah 0418 214 626
Dallas Ruhland Woodhill 0427 150 450
Mathew Wojcicki Tooloom 0408 716 277



Steve Augustin Clarendon 0407 140 117
Graham Browne Glenore Grove 0419 725 861
Steve Browne Sheldon 0423 111 070
Larry Cann  Kingaroy 0428 221 579
Lee Collett Oakey 0457 126 737
Steven Coyne Rockhampton 0419 028 160
Brian Duggan Stanwell 0438 690 179
Tom Durbidge Glenore Grove 0428 661 308
Mick Foxlee Mulgowie 0418 853 793
Josh Green Warwick 0428 258 872
Jason Hall Athol 0428 280 097
Marcus Jones Glamorganvale 0412 341 113
Robert Kennedy Alton Downs 0427 112 040
Shane Kenny Emerald 0429 727 108
Tim McArthur Cooyar 0429 934 610
Peter O'Connor Chambers Flat 0412 370 812
Bradley Proctor Kurwongbah 0408 788 501
Gavin Tickle Alton Downs 0488 580 730
Andrew White Toogoolawah 0414 659 519
JUDGES – Rough Stock Only
Harry Bridges Cooroibah 0419 375 044
Peter Joliffe Amby 0437 922 508
David Kennedy Kyogle 0428 323 438
Rick Kernke Kabra 0441 582 167
Rick Ruhland Lower Mt Walker 0417 396 193
Dean Weller Gundiah 0408 729 073
Troy Welsh Beaudesert 0427 101 511
Jason McKinnon Pittsworth 0409 639 098
JUDGES – Time Events Only
Daryl (Doc) Cavanagh Toorbul 07 5498 8312
Tommy Leeson (Barrier) Warwick 0413 515 660
Dave Mawhinney Tansey 0427 463 155
Katie Vaughan (Flag) Booyal 0439 784 282
Murray Whitwell Mt Tarampa 0427 731 939



Graham Browne Glenore Grove 0419 725 861
Peta Browne Glenore Grove 0421 149 522
Daryl (Doc) Cavanagh Toorbul 07 5498 8312
Chris Christensen Bororen 0408 133 344
Darryl Chong Chinchilla 0457 340 457
Lee Collett Oakey 0457 126 737
Brian Duggan Stanwell 0438 690 179
Tom Durbidge Glenore Grove 0428 661 308
Brett Gallaway Applethorpe 0419 852 233
Dave Gunner Gundiah 0478 077 577
Jason Hall Athol 0428 280 097
Dale Jones Woodford 0408 283 383
Marcus Jones  Glanmorganvale 0412 341 113
Nash Jones Glanmorganvale 0431 558 711
Robert Kennedy Alton Downs 0427 112 040
Peter O'Connor Chambers Flat 0412 370 812
Dean Weller Gundiah 0408 729 073
Andrew White Kilcoy 0414 659 519
CHUTE BOSSES - Rough Stock Only
Lleyton Browne Sheldon 0423 111 070
Clay Hall  Athol 0428 171 112
Cooper Jones Glanmorganvale 0421 198 145
Jason McKinnon Pittsworth 0409 639 098
Dylan Meech Upper Caboolture 0401 144 025
Bradley Proctor Kurwongbah 0408 788 501



Peta Browne Glenore Grove 0421 149 522
Nicole Cavanagh Toorbul 0438 833 438
Kylie Chapman Meldale 0413 734 470
Bobbi-Jo Clem Gympie 0438 311 081
Kristy Cranston Spring Creek 0457 500 070
Stacey Freeman Burpengary East 0406 536 017
Kim Gallaway Applethorpe 0432 686 248
Shelley Harrison Morayfield 0413 294 822
Nikki Kennedy Alton Downs 0400 459 444
Tara Lovett Taroom 0488 735 111
Bianca Mason Lanefield 0413 790 965
Katrina Pugsley North MacLean 0404 564 870
Lainey Roberts Glenvale 0439 673 830
Tammy Stapleton Thagoona 0428 790 505
TIME KEEPERS - Rough Stock Only 
Joanne Jones Glamorganvale 0412 341 114
D'Koda Livingstone Elimbah 0412 890 272
Tahliah Storie North MacLean 0499 997 850
Bianca Weier Warwick 0417 724 464



Thomas Amos Old Bonalbo 0488 989 469
Harley Baker Ripley 0414 481 702
Brett Beard Bundarra 0478 789 697
Darryl Chong Condamine 0457 340 457
Clinton Clem Gympie 0432 318 540
Matt Cross Wyong 0431 614 680
Dalton Poole Fernvale 0436 402 410
Eric Richardson Dungog 0455 990 072
Dylan Swan Rosewood 0499 625 351
Reece Weller Dayboro 0416 337 627
Corey West Gracemere 0435 918 512
Ray West Gracemere 0429 861 295
Matthew Young Junabee 0429 799 632
Clayton Carlson Childers 0490 325 167
Danny Hamblin Gumdale 0483 018 822
Sean Norrington Inverell 0409 767 739
Allan Tankard Calliope 0498 459 017
Reece Van Harskamp Rosewood 0423 012  520
Tylah Wilson Backmede 0448 626 950



PICK UP MEN – Category A
Peter Brennan Mitchell 0407 100 118
Barry Creevey Chinchilla 07 4692 6162
Angus Dowton Felton 0427 290 436
Tom Durbidge Glenore Grove 0428 661 308
Brendan Kelly Upper Horton 0476 181 826
Peter Kelly Upper Horton 02 6782 7240
Ricky Knudsen Wyreema 0429 651 142
Dave Mawhinney Tansey 0427 463 155
Michael Murphy Mt Walker 0427 377 219
Ross Turnbull Upper Horton 0427 936 822
PICK UP MEN – Category B
Tyson Croucher Moola 0417 321 866
Josh Green Warwick 0428 258 872
Robert Kennedy Alton Downs 0427 112 040
Tim McArthur Cooyar 0429 934 610
Justin Storie North MacLean 0499 997 860



Ahern Contracting Shaun Ahern Bulls, Horses & Roma 0428 829 725
    Portable Arena Complex    
Barber Contracting Peter Barber Time Event Stock Surat 0429 146 050
BK Bucking Bulls Kerri King Bulls Mundubbera 0428 656 209
        07 4165 6209
Canoo-Rock Contracting Matthew Busby Horses West Rockhampton 0408 454 674
CMC Rodeo Jack McArthur Bulls, Horses, Time Event Stock Cooyar 0437 482 020
  Tim McArthur & Portable Arena Complex   0429 934 610
Corrie Bucking Bulls Peter Corrie Bulls Jardine 0447 420 229
Destiny Downs Cattle Co. Shane Kenny Time Event Stock Emerald 0429 727 108
Doak Bucking Bulls Matthew Doak Mini Bulls, Horses Bundarra 0428 237 343
Double C Rodeo Co. Chris Christensen Junior & Mini Bulls Bororen 0408 133 344
Down Low Mini Bulls David Talbot Mini Bulls Linthorpe 0408 809 153
Gary Ashe Gary Ashe Bulls Calliope 0402 869 220
Gill Bros Rodeo Karen & Eddie Gill Bulls, Horses, Junior Upper Horton 0428 658 751
    & Mini Bulls    
Honky Tonk Rodeo Promotion Stuart Grayson Bulls, Horses, Time Event Stock Swanfels 0427 623 835
  Lane Grayson & Portable Arena Complex   0448 971 268
Hall Family Rodeo Jason Hall Bulls, Horses, Time Event Stock  Willowbank 0428 280 097
    & Portable Arena Complex    
J & J Rodeo Co. Jackson Felton  Bulls Tatham 0431 527 228
John Gill & Sons Jason Gill Bulls, Horses Waterford 0438 069 904
     & Portable Arena Complex    
Jones Boys Holdings Cooper & Nash Jones Bulls Glamorganvale 0412 341 113
    Time Event Stock    
Keliher Contracting Troy Keliher Bulls Murgon 0427 141 344
MC Bucking Bulls Greg Makejev Bulls Bonalbo 0458 653 242
Ricky Knudsen   Horses Wyreema 0429 651 142
Platinum Rodeo Co. Michael & Christy Bulls, Novice & Junior Bulls Lower Mt Walker 0427 377 219
ST Bucking Bulls Stuart Timm Bulls Pittsworth 0438 713 366
Weller Rodeo Productions Dean Weller Bulls & Portable Arena Complex Tiaro 0408 729 073